Sunday, October 18, 2009

Current Article on Guatemalan Malnutrition

Another volunteer passed this along to me and I thought it would be appropriate for you all to read. I guess for me seeing what I see every day, I get used to seing it if that is possible, or at least desensitized. I know in parts, the situation has definitely gotten worse. I don't think it has gotten too much worse in our parts where I live since our crops were not a complete loss due in part to our elevation which helps maintain a bit of humidity through cooler temperatures. But then again, I could be like the frog being cooked and don't realize the slight changes everyday. (You see a frog thrown in hot water jumps out, but a frog put in a cool water and then slowly warmed to a boil does not register the danger and stays put until it dies). So here is the link to the article on the economist website. Remember that I live in Eastern Guatemala.

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