Oh, so I realized I did not explain how I got their. Well on the way up, a boyfriend of a volunteer drove us up. It saved a lot of time, but unfortunately we were 6 people in the back of a small pickup with our stuff. And of course, it has not rained in months, but what did it do, it poured. It rained so hard that when we got to the town we were going to stay in the first night (we stayed about 2 hours away from Todos Santos to break up the trip and because its really cold and a bit expensive to stay there during the festive weekend) they closed off the roads because the main road was flooding and cars going by were pushing even more rain into the houses, or at least that is the explanation that the guy gave us who was so nicely blocking off the only road with his two cars so that no one could get through. We got through an hour later. So we had fun. Luckily the next day got sunny so we could dry everything out. It still rained (though this time we brought a rain slick) the next day going up to Todos Santos, which sits quite high up at 2700 meters in elevation. Surrounding peaks stand at about 3700 meters, so it's pretty cold. The 31st we had a Halloween Party and my sitemate and I dressed up as "Joe"; unfortunately I do not have a photo available. The next morning was the race and guess who was there... the US ambassador. And guess who got a ride all the way to the capital in the ambassador's fleet along with 7 others. :) That gesture certainly was not necessary. He went all the way to drop all 8 of us off wherever we needed to go making sure that we were getting back safely, even though it probably cost him almost 2 hours extra. He even made us brownies! I was even more thankful as the whole way there it poured, and I would have been in the back of the truck in it all. Without saying, I was very thankful. And thanks to you all for paying your taxes.
I'll get to the Nov. 1 pictures, but first, here are some pictures of my last days of work.
My last produce exchange...
Group picture before the mountain women leave back to their town with their newly trades fruits and roots.
Here begin the pictures from Todos Santos:
Here's me with my sitemate (Nicole's taking over my place), another volunteer and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, Josue (Joshua) is the guy that gave us the ride from the capital to Todos Santos... I thank God for him. As the picture suggests, "Super Delicious Smoothies anyone?"
Fooseball is at all the town fairs

Marimba time... as you can see, the typical dress for the men includes striped red pants and a blue/purple jean jacket. Here only one of the men is wearing the typical hat.

Marimba time... as you can see, the typical dress for the men includes striped red pants and a blue/purple jean jacket. Here only one of the men is wearing the typical hat.
Stray dogs rallying just before the race.
The race....

This person was one of the first people to get injured. Luckily he was not trampled to death.

Proof that I was there.
One of the oficial master of the ceremony. He's holding up horse traffic. Sometimes though the riders get so into it that they just ignore these oficials. I mean to the rider's defense, if I were riding at 100% for hours on end, I would probably daze out a couple of times too.
This person was one of the first people to get injured. Luckily he was not trampled to death.
Proof that I was there.
Please tell Fr. once again what a wonderful time was had by all when we were there. I can't believe your time is coming to an end.
God Bless you on your travels this last month.
Joe, this is Reed Brooks the old pharmacist from Faith in Practice.
Just wanted to tell you how small the world is & how big a part you play in it.
Our week together was a blessing to all involved. Especially to our mission and the good times and hard times had by all. Hope you remember Kirk (dentist from CA.), Cynthia (dental asst.) Tracey (another pharmacist) and our celebration dinner..good times had by all. They all say HI!!
Good luck to you son. I know you will be a great asset to the world with anything you choose to do.
OH yeah I forgot. My wife and I met MacKenzie & her cat in the Guatemala City airport. She was headed home to Indiana..small world
Take care & God Bless you & yours
Reed Brooks Livingston, TX
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